Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Feel so fucking pissed off today! -,- There's more and more people
coming to me and asking me this question:

Idiots: "Eh, you know the current bag you're carrying looks like whose mah?"

Me! {:: "uhh... Ya? So? You think i fucking care?"

Why i so pissed of with this question uh? Because they have a super
childish mind set that is thinking that CELESTE carried the bag before
and i can't or look funny?

In the first place, I don't even know or fucking care what bag she take please!
For godness sake, stop pointing to my bag and say it's her's or looks like
her's... Do you guys means that some rich women out there took LV Bag and
they have to fight about it or others have to keep finger pointing about it and
open your big fucking fat mouth?! -,-

Is it that everyone can't take the bag with the brand Zinc too?! Obviously i dont
understand what the hell you guys are thinking la! What so funny about taking the
SAME bag or DIFFERENT bag or looking the SAME or looking DIFFERENT and have
to laugh like there's no tomorrow... -,-


Today's maths paper is so difficult! Shoot!! I didn't know why but
i just feel that i have not been improving but de-proving! *faint*

For my english paper? Same.. -,- The first passage is so fucking confusing that
i hav to read it twice or thrice! *roll-eyes* Is this even 'N' level standard?
Humpf... Hope for the best lor.. :[[ *for sure i'll not do very well this time :X*

Anyways, is it true that when you don't eat. You'll feel like fainting?
Because today when i'm doing my maths question half way, I feel like
vomiting and fainting uh! Anyone knows the reason? :X!!


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