Friday, June 20, 2014

My Christian Life [Reflection]

Alright, today I'm so inspired by one of my church member to write again but there are so many questions in my head of how to start it.

When I was at church today, my church member got out a random cool looking book and another member was reading what she wrote in there. I thought it is just another daily journal or something & i got a little curious and read it.

The content in it was all about God and I wondered why, not like I'm saying she is a unholy person to start off with or that she can't write about God but because it came off to me as just a normal daily journal and i thought the usual would be that she would write about what she did that day and stuff like how we usually write journal/blogs.

To my surprise, she explained to me that the book is actually for her to write down her reflections, encounter and more.. More on christian kind of journal rather then the normal kind of daily reflection journal i suppose.

So to cut everything short. This kept revolving around my mind about how am I going to start as my other members encouraged me to do so & I can even do it through blogging which what I have always been doing and like to do!

Unfortunately I have so many doubts about it. Not that if it benefits me but in terms of whether i should make it so public, should i start out in a new blog, will you guys judge me if i start this new section, should i even write on this controversial blog. So many questions flooding my mind.

I am definitely inspired to write again, want to share with you guys about my life but then I just thought because what I am writing here just don't suit my "christianity reflection" journal.

Should I just start up a new blog & be anonymous? Only people who knows me will know I am the writer. I don't know. Than again, that will not be truthful isn't it? It'll be like a split personality. Ahh.. I don't know. :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's really going to depend on how you would want to sort out your thoughts. While having a Christian reflective journal is good, you can treat it as a perfect place to recharge yourself when you need to make a complicated decision. "Would God support me in making this decision?" These kinds of perspective help you to grow in many ways as you type out your thoughts. I would definitely encourage you to try out making such a blog and give it a try, after all, if you decide not to go through with it, deleting it comes easy with a click of a button.