Monday, January 16, 2012

I want to know..

Lately something have been always in my mind pondering for the longest time but still just can't get a good answer or an explanation.

I always wonder are there different definition of friends for everyone and what are the different definition then. I definitely don't agree with hypocritical and gossip incidents and still calling of good friends cos that's really very much of a contradictory. A good buddy or friend i suppose are always there guiding you and always be there for you no matter what in a way where they will tell you what's right and wrong in a good way rather than in a teasing way. (I've experienced the nasty way & i just rolled my eyes and ignored the "concern" given cos to me it doesn't even feel like a heart warming concern at all so why should i even listen or feel happy about it right?)

There are lots of times i witness people talking about their "best friends" behind their "best friends" back and this always makes me have a second thought of wanting to share my stuffs with them because if they are able to gossip about their own "best friend" that they claim, they can also do it to me isn't it? Sorry no I'm not so stupid.

It has been awhile that the gossiping happens but I just kept quiet and act as if i know nothing but actually I know all these while at times I've been indirectly talked about in the group which they thought I'm having a coconut brain in my skull. Never did they not know I've been watching and observing them for a long time. The best thing to do always to know one is trust-able or not is just to stay calm, quiet and just observe.

My definition of a buddy/good friend:

1) Will always be truthful with my opinion and thoughts towards him/her (provide guidance) but then at the same time while bringing my message across, I will sugar coat it to make it less harsh and not hurtful for him/her to continue to have the confidence rather than destroying one's confidence. 

2) Always being with one through his/her ups & downs no matter what. 

3) Giving each other support & help when needed. 

4) Helping one another to watch backs. 

I believe it's never hard to do all of the above that is mentioned but there are always bound to have girls to bitch and gossip around like 三姑六婆. SO ANNOYING!

I will never understand why they can never get enough of gossiping and bitching. It just so much like their daily mouth workout. I could understand that no one is "oh-so-perfect" to not gossip and bitch but never will I ever able to accept people doing continuous gossiping and bitching.

Worst case scenario that i hate the most is to know that the person is bitching and gossip about his/her own good friend which as mentioned "good friend"! ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS YOU CALL THAT GOOD FRIEND?!!

Contradicting Hypocritical Monster!

Yes that's the name we should give them. First they are being so contradictory by saying that the particular person is their friend but at the same time bitching & gossiping non-stop about the person. Second they are so magnificently hypocrite. Turn off.


Stay 100% real yo! BYE!

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