Monday, February 2, 2009

New commer in my house!! FROGGYY! :p


Want to guess who is it? hmm.. I'll tell you what happen. :p

Yesterday night, when I'm sleeping, something irritated my face..
[ should i say my body first. :l ] I can feel something jumping &
jumping!! X.X!!

When i wake up, I then realised it's a FOGGYY!!! :p SOO CUTEEE CAN!!

After some talking/communicating with the froggy, we indeed have some
same hooby/interest! :p Which is CAMWHORE!!! :DDDD


At first he's very selfish lor! Get all the lime light himself leh! WTHH!!
I took alot of shots but he kept on snatching the lime light.. LOL!

We also did read Twilight book together leh! I did shot the photo but
lazy to upload here. LOL!! It's very ugly too. XD!! Because he kept on
snatching my lime light hor~ I feel like killling him man!! ARGH!!



Time to EAT YOU!!!!!! ROARRRR!! :p

But after some serious discussion we finally took a VERY NICE PHOTO! :D
[ Where is he looking arh? LOL! ] We got crazyier & crazyier! LOL!

See?!?! He snatch my camera and took a Retarded shot of me!! LOL!
[ But I look nice man! Wahahaha!! ]


Wahahaha!! Eh!! Why you sit on my Twilight book!!!!!!! OII!!
[ I seriously hate this new comer alittle.. :l He everytime take
photo don't know look where one leh!! -.-!! LOOK HERE LA!! ]



A normal nice photo is out! LOL! oops! Half of his face gone.. HAHA!
[ Nevermind la hor? XD !! ] Seriously I enjoy this whole thing man!!
WAHAHA!! [ Sometimes he's alittle naughty!! Jumping every where
in my room!! :l ]

I wonder who is the next new comer! LOL!! So excited!! Wahaha!
Ouh ya! Because today i don't really have time to blog? I'll just
summaries what I'll be blogging tomorrow! :DD

  • Inconsiderate Singaporean Students who THROW CAN DRINKS ON THE FLOOR!
  • Aunties loves to SQUEEZE into the Lift! WHY?!?!

Alright! I have to go ler!! DOODLEESS!! :DD

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