Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Review on friends.

YES! You didnt see wrongly! {: I wanted to do a review on friends!
How? Well.. This is what I'm going to do next. Firstly, I'll state down
what kind of 'friend' you will have beside you. And you if you can recognise
your friends from the list below, better ditch them off before they ditch you!
Serious!!! >:{

The Empty Promiser:
Plans have been made in advance! Then suddenly your friend calls you up
to cancel at the very last minute. All you can say is "alright" or No problem" right?
But in actual fact, your blood is BOILING from the disappointment! I think,
you will be expecting more empty promises to come your way from this
SO-CALLED 'Friend'!

The Daredevil:
This friend is a totally bad influence on you la!, mainly because they
like to find trouble. Despite your constant persuasion, they still insist
on trying out like shoplifting or smoking.

The Betrayer:
In front of you, they are all sugar and sweet and are you're BFF, but behind you,
they're wielding sharp knives that always end up blade-first through your spine!
These backstabbers know no mercy when they open their mouths! Don't be surprise
if your dirty litte secrets are blurted out 'accidentally' by them!!

The Pessimist:
They're always moody and gloomy. As much as you try to cheer them up,
they end up bring you down by scold you. WTF?!?!

The Self-Centred:
They talk about nothing but themselves, so you can really forget about seeking
a listening ear from them l! Even if you try to, they somehow find a way to spin the
conversation around to have the spotlight/limelight focused firmly on themselves!!

The Dominant:
These CONTROL-FREAKS dominate the friendships, often becoming overly
possessive of you! [ Pervert! ] They even get jealous when you make new friends la!
[ Super Pervert PLEASE! EWWW! ] They're always the ones who tell you where
to meet, which movie to watch and what food to eat and what cloths to buy. It's
like their SLAVES LA!

The Competitor:
Everything's a competition to them lor.. Who has the better grades?
Who has the most expensive cloths? Who has the move IN gadget?
Whose crush is cuter? [ LAME!! ] If this basis of your friendship is a constant
fight to see who's winning, then you're better off flying solo la!
What for keep on compete or fight? So tired la!

The Critique:
Best friends shouldn't be afraid to tell you that you're having a bad hair day,
or that the shirt you just bought makes you look fat. but if their favourite pastime
like you're stuck with a downer. Seriously lor, who wants a friend wgo are only
there to DEMORALISE you? Better FUCK OFF LOR!

The Abuser:
Basically, these friends get a kick out of USING YOU!. Whether it's YOUR MONEY,
time or resources, they just love taking whatever you can GIVE!! [ DAMN FUCKING

Now, I've finish everything. Are your friends in any of the catagory?
If yes, DITCH THEM! They don't deserve you!

Honestly saying, today I'm a little confused. Who can i trust? Who is my friend?
Who can really accompany me when i need them? [ I'm relating to my school friends. ]

Well, i think i have a answer for my first two question. But the third one....
It is still remain as [ BLANK ]

I hope you will know who is your FRIEND rather then 'Friend'. Love you guys. [:

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