Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Our first month! :D [Part 2/4] Sky-ride in Singapore.


Pardon me for this ugly photo because i'm too excited and wanted to rush to have the sky-ride as soon as possible.

As mentioned on my previous post that I've never got onto a sky-ride ever in my life before and i'm freaking-ly excited about it.

My apologies to foreigners out there who wants more detailed information (Price) for the sky-ride because i'm too lazy to dig out all that now, just got a brief description and a few beautiful pictures of the sky-ride will be more than enough i guess?

Apparently, because you're on a sky-ride and the sun is on top of you, it's absolutly stupid to take pictures like that because you totally can't see you face at all (Unless you wanted your face to be covered up naturally, you're able to do this.).

This, of course was a fail photo of us being on the sky-ride and thought we are able to see ourselves. LOL?

And yes! Finally the first GOOD photo is out and just to warn people out there who are afraid of heights like me, hold your camera tightly!! I'm madly shivering up there and heart beating madly fast as though i witness a tsunami is coming. Gosh!

Thank god i'm fine after awhile and starting camwhore-ing like mad! Woots! :D Totally love the scenery up there and i'm able to take nice photos with! Sure will have no regrets going up! :D

Alright, this is the natural photo without anything editing and it's mad nice right(?!) I thought this picture looks like it's from haven. lols?

This is the scariest part of the ride too when it's going down. It's as though you're looking down and falling from some where no where don't know where. Hell that exciting feeling! (:

FYI, i took the two way ride, that's why i'm able to experience the sky-ride coming down. There's another alternative actually is to take the luge ride down and it looks quite interesting too! :D But i'm not really prepared to take that actually. LOL!

Stay tune for my next post! :D

Follow me on twitter now @aaandric

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