Sunday, July 3, 2011

July !

*emotionally preparing self to be back to old school days*

Suddenly I feel that the sun is shinning crazily like piercing needles !

Anyway this is not what it is about. It's that I am having a feeling is apart-ness ! Feeling apart from what ? My holiday where I need to go back to school on the 11th July & my freedom of life because I kind of decided to enlist to NS by next year but I am still contemplating now. Sighs.

Talking about school. I guess there's nothing much to say for me but boring, boring & boring. I somehow sense that there will be loads of shit crap that will be happening and the lessons will be another pile of mad shit. #FML

Honestly, What I am doing now is just studying for the sake of studying rather then putting my in good use to study in stuffs that I am totally interested in but yet again, I've heard that with the course that I am currently in, I am able to get into the course that I like which is Mass Communication !

I'm so much a Mass-comm person rather then a geeky Info-comm tech person lor !


Sometimes while am doing/looking at my lab sheets, I always wonder why the freaking hell the creator/inventor or whatever you call him/her have to make everything SO DAMN DIFFICULT. Why make life so difficult leh ?! Why can't the codes be named in a easier way so it's better to memorize rather then so many rubbish jumble up together ! That's what makes me hate Info-comm so much.

Every single freaking day you WILL HAVE TO stare at the damn computer looking at codes, codes & codes. I bet after graduation i sure look like a University student because i will be wearing thick high degree spectacles. Can you imagine that ? u.u

I shall end this post with photos of me in school uniform. Can you see how bored I am that I am actually CAMWHORING in class while my poor lecturer is teaching on the projector screen.

kbye !(:

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