♥ Greetings everyone! :D
(Photo taken Via Sheryl's phone.)
Ghawd damn. Totally not used to such poor quality photos being in my blog. Major fail for a blogger to have such poor quality photos but WHO CARES?! Your business?! Your blog or my blog? Don't judge me with just this post with poor quality photos i tell you. I'm just perpetually lazy to bring out my camera or even to charge it to start with so keep quiet! Don't judge me!
Today i'm just only going to upload photos that i've taken when i'm out but I've nothing much to say but yet if you want to read something good for yourself, you can read this post (Ahlibahbah I'm stress out!) of mine and it may help you in one way or another? Up to you to decide :D
Time for some photos!! (: I'm not really enthu to show you guys the photos today actually because majority of the photos are really poor quality to the max. Don't kill me or throw shit on me. I deserves sweets than shit. *smiles* :p
FISH! This totally the worst (quality) one of all the photos. (-_-) *embarrassed*
(♥ Sheryl)
(♥ Sheryl)
Thank god my photo editing skills are not so bad *giggles* that this photo looks a little nicer than those previous once. (:
(♥ Sheryl)
What's better than having a simple $1.00 SGD Mcdonalds Ice-Cream with your lovely friend(s)? :D
(♥ Sheryl)
:O I'm really a greedy boy who loves ice-cream! HEHE! :p
(♥Sheryl ♥Shila ♥Matthew Raeburn ♥ME!)
Thank god that finally i've got a few better quality once though it's not as good as my camera? But at least this photo is worth admiring okay! YES! It's worth it! :p
(♥Sheryl ♥Shila ♥Matthew Raeburn ♥ME!)
Though we look matured, now you saw us. We're childish & cute! HAHA! :p
(♥Sheryl ♥Shila ♥Matthew Raeburn ♥ME!)
2 acting cute & 2 looking a little serious but failed. We still smiled like the sun! :p
(♥Sheryl ♥Shila ♥Matthew Raeburn ♥ME!)
Though we're out of ideas of how to pose to the camera, we still look good in the picture like we did purposely pose for it.
*** *** *** ***
♥ I'll not forget you.
You taught me not you be naughty. You taught me to be good. Beautiful girls all over the world, you're just different yet beautiful at the same time to me. Losing you is like losing one of my legs not being able to stand upright and walk proudly. You know why and no one knows except for sheryl. (:
This may be the last few photos i'll be taking with you. I know it's a hard decision for you to make but we'll respect the decision you've made and give you a unforgettable fare well in your life. Maybe today you wear my jacket is because you know it's your last day with me but i can't possible not wash the jacket yea? Photos will forever always be our best memorial things we have. ily.
1 comment:
u look totally like a duck ._.
ur lips are soo thick . ugly lah you .
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