Sunday, April 18, 2010

Always have a weird dream!

I believe that not all of you bimbos out there did read my mid-night gaga tweets last night ya?

As i did tweeted yesterday night around 4 plus that i've a very weird dream and it makes me wake up breathing very fast like i've got chased by a monster! Fagg..

The story starts like this..

I am in the Singapore's IR Hotel and my friends and I was being selected to work there at the lounge and before we start working, we were being brought around the hotel by the manager who selected us and he was really friendly and handsome! (:

The manager was telling us why we were being selected and i only remember mind of course! HAHA! (Who cares about why my friends are being selected right?! LOL!)

So this is what the manager says:
You're being selected because you look unique and special that attracts my attention. I guess other guys/girls who see you will not hesitate to come up front to you to ask you questions. 

First time ever in my dream that someone says that i don't look fierce/un-friendly.  
Yes, fuck people who says i'm un-friendly you chao chi bye!

Anyway, back to my story. According to my dream, i got so happy and had a big laugh in front of the manager and the manager laughed with me. WTF, best manager ever i tell you! LOL

Of course we did continue out tour of the IR and let's skip some of the boring parts okay? Let's go to the main point where i think it's fucking scary. YES! FUCKING SCARY! 

I did remember half way through our tour, my friend (Female) suddenly feel very uncomfortable and kept coughing non-stop and she wanted to go to the toilet and wanted me to accompany her. But of course it's public toilet and i can't accompany her in, so she stopped at the water cooler near the toilet and start coughing on it and look like she wants to vomit..

After a few mins, she did cough out something and it's fuckingly a long fish snake!

That damn snake is yellow and black and colour and the long fish snake kept jumping out of the water towards me! MADNESS!

I'm so afraid of that disgusting snake that i ran away like a baby finding mama. knn. -_-

The dream never end just like that! After this incident, awhile later i did have a nose bleed and it's a lot of blood. -_- Because i can't find that stupid toilet, i went to the water cooler (not the previous one with the long snake of course!) and want to wash off the blood.

Before i even reach the water cooler, blood started flowing down my nose and i used my hands to wipe it off. Not knowing why but when i see the blood on my hands, there are small little red and green living things moving on my fingers and i started screaming like hell and i woke up! -_-

Most awesome dream i've ever had.. Gene did heard one of the other dream i've had and it's really to the extreme. DANG! Why and i having this kind of ahgua weird dreams?!

P/s; Apologies for the lack of updates. I'm really busy these few weeks staying in school really really late and not having much time to go online and edit my photos for you guys. I'll try my best to get all the photos done as soon as possible! (: Thanks for coming back everytime! :D
Loves! :)
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