Monday, March 30, 2009


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next is the month of??? ANYONE?!?!?!

YESSSSS!! APRIL!!!! # Screamssssss~~ # I know! You'll think
that [ Woah! Siao ( Crazy ) eh this blogger.. April only mah! Big cork?! ]

YES! It's Damn fucking BIG CORK okay! LOL! Why?!
Because, April is my B'dae month and also a numerous
number of my friend's B'dae month too!! [ Ghawd! I didn't know
so many cute April kid out there! LOL! ]

What i want to say ler arh? Nevermind.. I go toilet first.. Wait arhh!!

Shit ass! My brother is in the toilet! Nevermind! I'll continue!!
Well, I do know quite a number of my friend's B'dae fall on April!!
Whoooooo?? Who is the Handsome guys & pretty ladies?!?!?!

Vincent Tan - 1stApril
ME! - 3rd April
Goh Zhi Jie! - 8th April

Olivia - 23th April [ Not sure. :l ]

Okay okay! Let me relex a little! LOL! Well! I've been very excited
since today onwards man!! LOL! I've been thinking, what present
I want to have for THIS YEAR!?!? :D And I decided to make a BIG
wish list on my post!! HE HE HE~~ [ Am I even okay now? X,X ]

*My "Want" Present!!*
1) CASH!! $$
2) LG Ice-cream Phone! [ I seriously want this!!!!! #ROARRR# ]
3) Go shopping with my friends/family! :D
4) New Camera! [ This one also!! ]
5) Adverlets in my blog!! >:D

Woah ha ha ha! If you want to give me present~ Give me all these! :P
All share share money buy la.. HAHAHAHA!!

I've already got plans on Wednesday and Friday ler! GOSH! HAHA!
As for Thursday, i don't know leh.. maybe stay back in school for
study group bahs! ^.^V

Don't miss out reading my blog!! WOAHHHHH~~~~~~
Also don't forget to give me presents!! hehehe~~ :p

PS; I'll be deleting everyone's link in my blog very soon~ If you want me
to link you up. #ahem# come find me personally. {: And also,
I'll have a personal blog to store all the links.. {:

Feature Blog Link: Vicissitudes of Life

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Winner for 'Earth Hour' Competition! :DD

Wohoo!! Yesterday we have Earth Hour ya! Well, for some
of the Kids our there, it's surely a fun thing because their
house is in DARKNESS! LOL!

Well, i'm here to announce the wiinner for my 'Earth Hour'
Competition!! :D who is it?! Anyway, just a note to tall the
people who have participated! Thanks for making a effort
to send! LOL! :DD

Now now!! Winner!! ^.^VV IS!
Name: Shu Fen
Blog: http//
Featured Post: http//

[ I don't know what happen to the link.. :l ]

Yuppie!! I'll send you your $5 as soon as possible Shu Fen! :D

Now! Let me explain why she's the winner, if you really read she blog,
she did mention some good points like,
how many of the participants sincerely care enough to do the small things in their daily lives to save the Earth
Won't using candles for the event actually produce more Co2 than saved?

It's not that I am discouraging Earth Hour.. But ermm.. After I've read it,
I do agree A LITTLE though. Not all, because
1) One house need only 2 to 3 candles which will not be more then the electricity needed
to run the whole house.

I totally agree that some people join this event is just for the hype..
So people, do your part EVERYDAY! :D 3'R's Remember?


Practice it everyday and you'll not think that it's troublesome! :D

Earth Hour Day! :D

Hohoho~~ Today went out with Ailin! :D We went to Orchard today..
Sibeh siann please.. godness..

We went to Mogu Mogu! I'll tell you first, only the wedges is nice..
NOTHING ELSE! GOD! Don't order the Unagi Don. It SUCKS to the CORE!
Why? Because the fish is so FUCKING HARD! ChiBong! Why every restaurants
I go, i have to eat stone things! ChiBong!

If you really want to go Mogu Mogu, I strongly recommend you to eat the food
with wadges.. YES!! Their wadges is so damn fucking NICE! :D


After we finish our lunch, we have some small little desert. What's it?
See Ailin eat until so nice.. LOL! See carefully!! LOOK!! LOL!!

If you guess it's Ice-cream, it's correct!! :D It's a very special ice cream though..
But when you have the 4th or 5th mouth of it, you'll get SICK of it.. godness..
Ailin like it alot.. dont really know why though.. LOL!


After we've finished our lunch, we walked around at FarEast Plazza~~
Guess what? Ailin kept on looking at guys.. WTF! I'm busying looking
at cloths, she's looking at guys.. LOL!!

One shop owner, guy, he laughed at us lor! Maybe because i say Ailin.
' Don't keep looking at guys la! Haiyo! Shut up! ' LOL! Maybe is because
of this hor? XDD

Well, we are sick of FarEst Plazza after awhile yea? So we went to the other
place.. We went to Cine~ YEAA~~ HEHE!

Actually we thought of watching UNBORN! [ creapy voice! >:D ]
Then we finally realised that the Earth hour thing! So we decided to
sell it to other people.. XD But we did not succed.. HAHA!

So we actually as for refund? Also not sunccecful. HAHA!! But instead,
we changed our dae to wednesday! So, if you want to stalk me, go to
Cine on Wednesday at 5.20 pm !! LOL!

So we walked around after our changed of timing..
If you guys do go to Orchard often, you'll know that there's a shopping
centre just only for branded stuffs.. COOL LEH~

We walked around in the BRANDED Shopping centre.. LOL! Wth? nvm..
i'll call it BRANED Shopping centre then.. Since i also dont know the real
name.. XD

So we went to a shop. Guess what we saw??!!??!!??!!



Seriously! This auntie sleeping until very as if she's at home man!!
XD At first, there's two women sitting beside her.. But both the
women realised that we want t take photo of the funny/inconsiderate
auntie, so the ran off.. XD

Tell you, this auntie sleep with her mouth OPEN la! LOL! Me & Ailin laugh like

Note: Tomorrow I'll be anouncing the results for my 'Earth Hour' Competition! :D
And also come with today's 'Earth Hour' event in Orchard Road! :D

Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth Hour!!!

YAY! Tomorrow, 27th March 2009 is Earth Hour PLEASEEE~~ :D FINALLY WEEE the humans
can do a part to not contribute to global warming!

I'm so farking excited about this event though. Why not everyone play a part ya?!?!
Just a few easy steps will DO! Everyone's little moves counts!!! :DD

Event Starts at 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm [ GMT Timing ]
[ If you want to do longer, IS BETTER!!! :DD ]
Step 1: Off ALL the lights!!
Step 2: If you can, off the television too!! {:
Step 3: Because Air-conditioner needs the most electricity, off your electricity when you're
sleeping!!! [ One day only mah!! Wouldn't die one la!! ]
Step 4: Promote this event!!!!! [ On your Blog? Msn? Icq? Forums? WHERE EVER LA!! :D ]


See? 4 EASY step to help out man!! Cool right?!
To show my enthusiasm, I'll make a competition!! :D What?
It's this, Promote this 'Earth Hour' event at YOUR blog, Send in your blog Url [ Blog Post url ],
Name, Age & Address to :

Date Line: Tomorrow, 27th March 2009 at 9.30 pm [ GMT Timing ]

Best Blog will win a $5 note from me! XD
Not only that!! I'll post a blog post your blog & feature link your post! :D [ Including Screen shoots & promote your blog! :D ]

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Review on friends.

YES! You didnt see wrongly! {: I wanted to do a review on friends!
How? Well.. This is what I'm going to do next. Firstly, I'll state down
what kind of 'friend' you will have beside you. And you if you can recognise
your friends from the list below, better ditch them off before they ditch you!
Serious!!! >:{

The Empty Promiser:
Plans have been made in advance! Then suddenly your friend calls you up
to cancel at the very last minute. All you can say is "alright" or No problem" right?
But in actual fact, your blood is BOILING from the disappointment! I think,
you will be expecting more empty promises to come your way from this
SO-CALLED 'Friend'!

The Daredevil:
This friend is a totally bad influence on you la!, mainly because they
like to find trouble. Despite your constant persuasion, they still insist
on trying out like shoplifting or smoking.

The Betrayer:
In front of you, they are all sugar and sweet and are you're BFF, but behind you,
they're wielding sharp knives that always end up blade-first through your spine!
These backstabbers know no mercy when they open their mouths! Don't be surprise
if your dirty litte secrets are blurted out 'accidentally' by them!!

The Pessimist:
They're always moody and gloomy. As much as you try to cheer them up,
they end up bring you down by scold you. WTF?!?!

The Self-Centred:
They talk about nothing but themselves, so you can really forget about seeking
a listening ear from them l! Even if you try to, they somehow find a way to spin the
conversation around to have the spotlight/limelight focused firmly on themselves!!

The Dominant:
These CONTROL-FREAKS dominate the friendships, often becoming overly
possessive of you! [ Pervert! ] They even get jealous when you make new friends la!
[ Super Pervert PLEASE! EWWW! ] They're always the ones who tell you where
to meet, which movie to watch and what food to eat and what cloths to buy. It's
like their SLAVES LA!

The Competitor:
Everything's a competition to them lor.. Who has the better grades?
Who has the most expensive cloths? Who has the move IN gadget?
Whose crush is cuter? [ LAME!! ] If this basis of your friendship is a constant
fight to see who's winning, then you're better off flying solo la!
What for keep on compete or fight? So tired la!

The Critique:
Best friends shouldn't be afraid to tell you that you're having a bad hair day,
or that the shirt you just bought makes you look fat. but if their favourite pastime
like you're stuck with a downer. Seriously lor, who wants a friend wgo are only
there to DEMORALISE you? Better FUCK OFF LOR!

The Abuser:
Basically, these friends get a kick out of USING YOU!. Whether it's YOUR MONEY,
time or resources, they just love taking whatever you can GIVE!! [ DAMN FUCKING

Now, I've finish everything. Are your friends in any of the catagory?
If yes, DITCH THEM! They don't deserve you!

Honestly saying, today I'm a little confused. Who can i trust? Who is my friend?
Who can really accompany me when i need them? [ I'm relating to my school friends. ]

Well, i think i have a answer for my first two question. But the third one....
It is still remain as [ BLANK ]

I hope you will know who is your FRIEND rather then 'Friend'. Love you guys. [:

I Love My Mother! :DD

Hi my readers! :D It have been a ultra long time i have not been
blogging ler... I know.. I've been super busy with shopping & studying..

I've finally woken up that I have to really study to get what I really want
next time.. Today, I've spoken to my mother about how we can communicate
with each other in a better way. And it works! {:

I've told my mother some of the things that i think or what i wanted to do..
Hmm.. got some feedback too.. very cool.. haha!

She also wanted to buy me something! ^.^V [ It'll remain as a secret... shh.. haha! ]

And also a very thanks to Mei-___remember JKJK that she given me a very
good tip on studying! Though i dont really know who you are? But seriously, thanks! :D

P/s; I really love my parent a lot more now.. {: [ I LOVE YOU! ^.^ ]
p/s/s; I've applied the Nuffnang Featured blogger for April! Yup!! My Birthday!
Wahahaha! Hope i will got it! ^.^ :DD

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Askin myself...

Oh well, this few days, i've not been blogging ya? Ive been thinking,
is this the kind of life i want to live after my 20s? Because now, I feel
that my life is a little boring? Though there's money/friends to go out

What I really mean is, Compare to me with other of my friends. A lot
of them are muggin. What am i doing? Blogging.. Playing computer games...
Chatting on the phone.. Shopping... Chilling...

I guess this is all wrong! How I wish that i can sit down quietly, study for 2 hours!
Do you know that now, I'm actually doing my Holiday assignment? But I just can't focus!
Hell me..

I've not done finish quite a number of assignments yet la! I'm so gonna
be dead when school reopens.. Talking about that, anybody have some tips
on how to make yourself concentrate when doing things?

Tell me please~ Thanks. {:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Review On Clementi KBox & ShinTokyo Sushi Restaurant

Readers!!! :D Hello! I know! I have not been blogging for very long!
[ Actually not long isn't it? Hmm.. Two days only! LOL! ] Oh well,
today I'm so happy! Why? Hmm.. Because I've got a chance to meet
my God-Sisters. Yups Yups! :D

One of them is non other then Ailin! Who is the another one?!
Of course is Kelly Ng! :D I've not seen them for 3 months already!
[ I think so? Or maybe only 1 month? ]

So today we went to Clementi KBox. [ Actually we want to go to
Marina Square's KBox. But because something happen. ] Actually
I'm so excited because we are going to Marina Square! [ But it's just a short
period of excitement.. :l ]

Seriously saying, we are SO DISAPPOINTED with Clementi's KBox la!
The environment sucks. The Sofa have holes. The place is squeezy.
The Lift door isn't working with the buttons. [ The Doors keep hitting
Ailin LOL! ]

But we have a very enjoyable time though the place is sucky?
We got a guy's handphone number in the KBox la! LOL!
The guy works at KBox leh~ His name is Jeremy. Ailin
keeps on saying 'He's Cute! He's so Cute La! He So Cuteee!~'
[ Seriously, he's not cute la.. :x ]

We have some free drink as usual~

[ StrawBerry Yogurt]

Kelly call for this drink la.. I took one sip.
Goshh.. Wonder who she can drink it.. SO SOUR! ARGH~

[ White Cup - ?? ] [ Yellow - Mango Juice ]

Ailin is the one who call for the white cup leh~ You'll be wondering
what the HELL is it right? It's actually Hot Milk la~ LOL!

Mine is the Healthy & nice drink! :DD hahaha!
MAGO! I don't know why? But since young, I love MAGO alot!

YES! The Tibbits~ Guess what? Ailin LOVE the Tibbits A LOT! LOL!
She kept eatting it! Gosh.. So nice meh? Very normal what!?

So when we got in awhile, I camwhore with the blue light! LOL!
I got attracted by the blue light la.. gosh.. [ ya, i know! It's only light! LOL! ]
The light is like so holy? LOL!

GOSH!! Fail! Look so ghostly la! EWW!

This is the best i can get! X.X!!! [ What a loser blogger am I! X.X!! ]

Our Room number is 36! :o! Nice leh~~ Want buy 4D?
Go buy now! LOL! [ I not promothing gambleing here arh! :X ]


So we went to YewTee afterwards. Because Ailin met up with her friend
name what? [ Wait. Let me check my Msn. Ailin did mention her name. :X! ]
OUH! Her name is JieQing! LOL!

While we are on our way, Ailin kept smsing Jeremy la!
[ Goshh.. She's addicted to him! AH! ]

See that?! Even queueing up also need to sms him! [ Jeremy ]

Jeremy's hand also not tired one lor.. sms so long.. And we also found out
that he study in SP! [ Singapore Poly. ] Wooo~~

Okay, let's not talk about Ailin anymore. -,-
Back to where i've loss connection? We went to a Restaurant
at YewTee! :D

Do you know that YewTee have a new 'Shopping Centre'? The
Shopping Centre haven't really have all the shops in la. But quiet okay lor.

So we went to Shin Tokyo Sushi! :D

The Queue of it is darn FUCKING LONG okay! MY GOD!

See it?! So many people la~~ AHH!!

But we [ JieQing, Ailin & Me ] didn't waste our time standing there okay!
We chatted alot okay~ We are like a bunch of friend who haven't meet
for 30 years already! LOL! [ Could this even be true? LOL! 30 YEARS LEH! aiyo! ]

Menu time! [ I know! Got the Sushi! LOL! ]
Seriously, the Roll roll thing hor keep rolling with sushi on top &
I cant resist to not taking it la! :X [ I know i'm insane!! SHH!! ]

this is what i call the Roll Roll.. LOL! So mny sushi la!
We got in at 7.45 p.m. & from then, we kept finding for
Salmon sushi okay! :D

10 - 15 min later, the food is here! WOO!

This ice-cream is the must eat thing okay! [ sorry! forget the ice-cream name! X.X ]

Crazy Ailin! LOL! She never let me in the picture la! Selfish! LOL!
Ouh ouh! Do you know that the drinks that 20 min to come?!
SO LONG LA! What the fuck the do with the water? Seriously?
Two cups of drinks that SOOOOO LONG~~ Service so slow..

As Usual, we talk, laugh & eat of course.. nothing much..
and heard Ailin says that there is one guy in the restaurant
they know him. Acording to what i've heard, the guy keep on
pestering JiaQing because he got JiaQing's Handphone number?
[ So this tells us, not to give people your number ANYHOW! LOL! ]

There's one guy who serve us, he's SO HANDSOME PLEASE!
He talk also very cute & weird! LOL! He don't look like a local.

Okay, I'll tell you what i eat okay? I order Honey chicken.
DON'T BUY! IT SUCK! Why? It is as HARD as a STONE LA!
HOW TO EAT?! GOSHH! Even we use the fork to poke also
need LOADS of effort okay! Godness!

THE ROLL ROLL OKAY! WTF?!?!? [ The Salmon Sushi seems to
be Ultra Rare over there. Must Grab! LOL! ]

Finally! When i say i want to complain, we found the salmon sushi!
[ 1 hour, two salmon sushi! -,- GODNESS! ] It's like 1 dish out 50 dish
have slamon sushi la!

Woahh~ JiaQing Enjoying worr~~ LOL!

Remember to come here to read everyday! :D
Because I may suddenly post something! LOL! :D

Friday, March 13, 2009

People thought they are SO CLEVER! What the hell?!

Well, today is just a very tired yet interesting day.

Firstly, I'll want to talk about the awards given out today in our
school. If you guys know, there's a kind of awards called 'Good Deed Awards'
where this awards are given to people who do good deed.
[ Isn't it so obvious? -,- ]

So this morning, all of us have a very longgggg assembly la!
From 7.20 until 8.45 okay! Teachers, student & even the principal
have sooo many things to say..
[ They have load of saliva to spare.. I think? :X ]

The funniest part of the assembly is the Awards giving session.
Where they announce the students who have done good deed
and won the good Deed Awards and also mention what Good Deed
they do.

So some of the students got the Good Deed Awards by ....

Giving the $1.50 that was found on the floor to the General Office.
Some even got their awards by just helping to do the class duty!
[ sweeping the floor, tidy the tables & chairs. etc.. ]

Funny huh? Ouh well, i also think so.. The whole hall of students
are laughing at the different funny Good Deed that was done.
By the way, it's really good deed mah? LOL! I didn't even don't a good
deed. I think so? :X

Next, I want to RANT! GRR! Why? Okay, today we have maths lesson.
And we learnt algebra. Not the easy once okay! Is the very difficult to
understand and alot of steps one la..

So, I don't really understand some steps and i ask my keep on asking my
teacher to re-explain it again. And still, i don't really understand.
[ some parts la.. not everything.. ] Frankly saying, my algebra is the
strongest among all the math topic la..

So i kept asking & really i must thanks all my friends & teachers to
have the patience. Except for one dumb ass. He thought he is so
clever, he told teacher this, 'Cher, give him example la.Give him example.

WHAT?! You say I AM STUPID?! At the point of time, i really want
to tell him to fuck off and ask him how much he get for his Math Common test la!
Math common test get lower then me still want to say I STUPID?!

You only English/physic or even Chinese got A only. Does that even prove
that your are CLEVER?! English & Chinese is just language okay!
Physics is just a little bit like Math only.

Only Math can prove out your IQ okay! Since you think that you are SO
CLEVER! Why aren't you in EXPRESS Stream?! Why you in NORMAL Academic?!
Don't act as if you're so clever slut! And don't use the word STUPID without
thinking who CLEVER you are DUMB ASS!

Even Ryan Axel don't know how to do it, he's stupid?! I doubt so la!
His English is way better then you NOOB!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Boring day!

So boring! Today our school have inter-class cheer competition..
For our class, it's sucky. But for other class, it's wonderful memories
for them. Sighs..

I didn't go on stage with my friends though? Because firstly, i think that
it's embarrassing to go up with a bunch of people who are not prepared
for the cheer. Secondly, I don't know why? But when I go behind the stage,
my stomach starts to go pain. So I ran into the toilet with Shukri & others.

In the end i got caught by Mdm Radnam. Wth..

But seriously, I have to say 4E5 did the best for the class cheer.
Loads of surprised and all. Admire their class too. They have a strong
bond between each other!

I'm going to go the class cheer next year. As in make the class cheer!
Because next year is our last year? So I want to have a proper & nice class

Went home with nothing to do in front of the damn computer!
I scared I have mood swings tomorrow! >,< Feel a little tired
& mood less. Anyone can tell me what to do?

Shopping is so out, because I'm tired of shopping now.. :X
Playing PSP is also no no~
Playing Computer games? SIAN! Everytime the same thing!
Watch Porn? I'm not that kind.. -,-
Kill myself? No.. I like myself so much!
Camwhore? Self camwhore is boring please!

AHH!! What to do!?!?!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Class Blog! :D

Oh My God! :D

Oh well! You'll be wondering why am I soo over re-acting! :D
FINALLY! :D I've just finished making My Class Blog!!! :DD

My friends & I will do further editing! Interested?

Go now! :DD

Note To My Classmates:

If you want to be link in the blog. Tell me! :D Or post your link
in the class blog tagboard! :DD


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Animal abuse!

Today went to stomp and saw this news about animal abuser caught from
youtube. So i went to youtube and see. There's some videos on animal

Seriously I really don't understand why humans wants/loves to abuse
animals. Anyone can tell me? I mean, they are also a live.

life is precious. Including the animals/insects!

When I saw the video, my heart starts to feel very sad for them seriously.
Hope al the animals in this world will not get abused.

Video 1

Video 2

Friday, March 6, 2009

Link post~

Oh Well, Today I've posted two post! See which one you want to read! :D

Remember to read both! Sure interesting! :D

Fun Friday with Coach Julian! :D

Wooo!! Today is a ultra fun day! :p Why? Because I finally feel that
my class is bond together already!! :D That's a happy thing.. But Jonathan
says it is only today.. Err.. true? [ Hope this bond will continue until sec 5 ]

Today we have our last programme with High Achievers. Today come
again a very charming coach. His name is Coach Julian! :D

Handsome huh?! :D Yeaa.. You know when I am paying attention to
what he is talking, suddenly got something very shinny from his finger
caught my eye man! # shineee~ #

It's wedding ring! [ I think? :X ] Woahh..
His wife so blessed. LOL! He is comfirm a very good husband where
all girl/women out there want! [ IF I am a girl, i also want this kind of
man la~ ]

Can't really take a nice picture of him though.. bleh..

Here's my form teacher again! LOL! I realized he loves to take photo..
XD But all same pose one leh?! LOL! Mr Tan! Change more handsome pose!

Some of us is so tired.. :l But Coach Julian is very good orh! He play
alot of funny videos for us to watch! So hilarious! XD

All my boy-friends are so afraid of cameras. WHY???
Anyone can give me a answer? Hmm..

The Indian boys are way better! :D #Pose! :D# haha!!


Of course, we have a break! But today our break time is super long!
It's 2 hours man! WOW! So as usual, went to eat, chat. But when we finished
eating & chatting, we totally have no idea what yo do man!

So we went to the cafe~ But the dumb cafe never open! WTH?!?!
You mean Upper Sec not important meh?!?! Lower sec never come
then you all don't open the cafe!? What's this?!

Went back to class and ROT~ -,-

So finally have something to do! :p Come of the girls & boys
do some things & i started camwhoring with Zuraidah! :D

Ehh... This photo not really nice hor? LOL!
More photos man!

Sitting beside me is Yao Jie! :D She's my best friend among all that I have! :D

Seriously, I'm addicted to camwhoring! XD

# 1, 2, 3 Ka chii~ #

Yao jie?! You sleeping?! XD

Eh? Where yaojie looking?! [ Fail Photo~ ]

Alamak!! Yao jie?! LOL!

Seriously, I'm crazy~ Totally have no idea what to do man!

Zuraidah boyfriend don't box me arh~ LOL!

Such a Fail photo!! EE!!

I know you're sick and tired of the same photos & things ya?

But readers, if you are under 12 years old, please don't learn the
retarded in the picture below.

Parental Guidance Is Advice.
Dont Learn please!!

So you're sick and tired of all the same photos right? :D
I have something interesting & cool for you guys! :D
Because we are SOOOOO Bored! We have THIS for you! :D
[ Scroll Down ]


Tadaaa~ A full version of how different people look nerd!
Bu they look cool man! LOL!

[ Take your time~ :D ]

[ Daniel Yeo Huai En ]

Actually he wanted me to delete this photo, but i refuse. :X
Then i suddenly thought, why not I take everyone in the class
with geek spects?! Wahahaha!

[ Chan Kin Kit ]

Seriously say, When i see this picture, I fee like laughing out loud man!!
XDDDD So funny can?!?!?!?! XDDDD

[ Zuraidah ]
Pretty Zuraidah~ No comments~ LOL! She's just very pretty.

[ Syahirah ]

This worst!! More pretty! Oh My Gawdd!
#Screams like a girl#

[ Shameemah ]
Goshh!! This is the fugly Nerd.. LOL! Sorry Meemah!!
:X She can't be a nerd! LOL!

Errrr? What's this? lmao!!

Don't anyhow take pictures when people is not ready!! X.X

Woahh! High angle rocks! X.X

Now! I want to present to you our models! :D
All thanks to them that i can have this funny, retarded, crazy,
interesting, wild post! LOL!



Hope you like This! :D
I'll try to have more class photos! :p Doodles!! :DD